Lisa Audet
Dr. Lisa Audet is Assistant Professor in Speech Pathology and Audiology. She is a Provost Faculty Associate in the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI, AY 2016-2018) where her work forces on developing successful experiences for college students with ASD, and increasing diversity within Speech Pathology and Audiology. She has over 30 years of experience as a special educator, clinical speech language pathologist, and university faculty. Dr. Audet's clinical experience include hospitals, specialized schools, public schools, community speech and hearing centers, and private practice. Her areas of expertise include low incident disorders, autism spectrum disorders (ASD), child language development, literacy, assistive technology, and diversity. She is the co-developer of the Autism Spectrum Disorders Graduate Certificate, coordinator of the Autism Initiative for Research, Education, and Outreach (AIREO) and the KSU Autism Task Force. Dr. Audet developed the experiential learning course along with the Partners In Achieving and Learning Success (P.A.L.S.) program where college students with ASD are paired with neurotypical college students as equals, with both gaining insight about the other's experience and both having the opportunity to earn college credit for the experience. Dr. Audet developed the Global Understanding of Autism study abroad experience in collaboration with the University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo Brazil. Dr. Audet works closely with colleagues the Read Center and the Office of Global Education to increase student cultural awareness and competence. Dr. Audet is the faculty advisor for the KSU National Student Speech Language and Hearing Association and the Autism Connect Kent student organizations. Within her Communication Enhancement lab, her research interests include language development in children with ASD, cultural consideration within the field of speech language pathology, and factors influencing college student success for those with ASD. She has published and presented at the state, national and international level.