Ensure students in the College of the Arts are equipped to thrive, belong, graduate and grow to become engaged alumni and lifelong learners committed to a life of impact.


AY 2023-24

Retention and Graduation

  • Update COTA presentation for DKS to include academic success strategies and promote unique opportunities within the COTA.
  • Help students interact with their academic community and develop successful academic behaviors and responsibilities. 
  • Initiate comprehensive reviews of retention data for all academic programs in the COTA. 

Student Support and Sense of Belonging

  • Continue to communicate with students about mental health resources. 
  • Educate faculty/staff on appropriate support for student mental health, provide training. 
  • Refine scholarship process and provide oversight and management at the school and college levels. 
  • Support faculty in successfully meeting SAS accommodations for qualified students through partnerships with CTL and supplemental training. 
  • Examine and refine the process and guidelines for accessing COTA student emergency funding. 
  • Identify, disseminate and create more accessibility resources for students, faculty and staff. 

Curricular Development

  • Educate COTA community about the meaning and impact of KSU’s classification as an “access institution” and curricular implications.
  • Establish “program completion” as the main goal of the COTA.
  • Review COTA curricula/schedules for potential barriers to student success. 


  • Expand Art Without Limits to a multi-disciplinary, high-profile event; engage local high school students to impact recruitment and pipeline building. 
  • Create a college-level recruitment plan and budget. 
  • Add student ambassadors to assist with tours and recruitment events.

Alumni Engagement

  • Create accurate contact lists for alumni from each school to facilitate future communication.
  • Create a system for identifying and sharing alumni successes.

AY 2024-25

Retention and Graduation     

  • Develop and implement strategies to improve student retention and completion rates, set goals for programmatic improvements on these metrics.

Student Support

  • Expand opportunities to create a sense of student belonging, including campus engagement and employment. 
  • Provide information and support to faculty/staff to allow for greater understanding and success in supporting accessibility to all students. 


  • Initiate campus partnerships to enhance/expand Art Without Limits, increase participation of KSU students and local high schools.
  • Improve marketing and communication about the experiences of current students.
  • Deploy College-level recruitment plan, expand support for on-campus events for prospective students. 

Curricular Development

  • Collaborate on revitalizing curricula with a focus on student success and completion, along with disciplinary best practices. 
  • Enhance career-based education in classes, events and the COTA web site. 

Alumni Engagement

  • Develop systematic methods of communicating with COTA alumni.
  • Expand alumni outreach: revisit Alumni Awards program, explore the option of engaging alumni as career models.
  • Create deliberate mechanisms for engaging alumni with current students and programs.