Choosing the correct loan period is important for the processing and disbursement of your private loan request. The loan period tells your lender what term(s) of the school year you are using the private loan. 

Kent State's school year has three terms: summer, fall and spring. Only choose a loan period for when you are enrolled in classes or expect to be enrolled. 

Loan Periods for the Academic Year

If You're Enrolled in This Semester...Select these dates as your loan period...
Summer Only5/20/2024 - 8/11/2024
Fall Only8/19/2024 - 12/15/2024
Both Summer and Fall5/20/2024 - 12/15/2024
Spring Only1/13/2025 - 5/11/2025
Both Fall and Spring 8/19/2024 - 5/11/2025
Summer/Fall/Spring*5/20/2024 - 5/11/2025

*If you apply for a summer/fall/spring loan, the loan will be awarded equally between each semester, given that the loan requested fits in each semester's cost of attendance. If summer semester cost of attendance, based on enrollment, is less than fall/spring cost of attendance, the loan will be awarded the maximum cost of attendance for the summer and the remaining loan request will be split evenly between fall and spring.