Admissions Elements

Admissions Audience Selector Homepage

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Admissions Counselor Selector

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Admissions Counselor Description

The Admissions Counselor Selector is set up in a 50/50 Promoted Content style to allow for the selector to be on to the left of the page with a description on the right side. This is what the Admissions Counselor Selector looks like when embedded in the middle of a page. This element is most often used as the first element on a page and will look slightly different to how it does in this example. 

View Another Example of the Admissions Counselor Selector

Card Optional Selector - Text Area

The Card Optional Selector allows for many styles including icon cards, image overlays, inline tiles, photo/video cards, rectangular cards, staggered tiles, text areas, and wide video overlays. This is an example of Card Optional Selector Text Area. 

View Examples of All Card Selector Elements


Checking the "Full Width" option within the accordion allows for numerical ordering of pages displayed within the element. The accordion can also be used without numbers by unchecking the "Full Width" option. 

Internal Basic Page for Testing

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aliquam massa nibh, auctor tempus urna vitae, euismod congue eros. Praesent at mi ac arcu feugiat mattis. Donec commodo finibus mi et consequat. Etiam dolor eros, auctor quis suscipit eget, suscipit malesuada leo. Duis nec pharetra massa. Nam interdum ultricies varius. Sed ante ligula, laoreet eu ornare in, lacinia at nisl.

Full Width Accordion for Testing

This is an example of the "Full Width" option for numerical accordions. The element will always use the title of the page for the title of the accordion.


Regional Facts and Figures

Fact boxes have a link feature that provides the option/ability to link to other pages. More than 3 fact boxes will have a button to continue to click through facts as a slideshow (see below). 

Important Dates

  • Aug 1
    Here  is words
  • Aug 10
    Here  is words
  • Aug 21
    Here  is words
  • Sept 1
    Here  is words