Call for Proposals - Lightning Round


Lightning Round


Lightning Round Call for Proposal and Instructions

“Lightning Rounds” promote contemporary ideas on innovative teaching techniques.

Lightning Rounds are designed to provide a fast (no longer than 5 minutes) introduction and explanation of innovative teaching strategies.  The session will include 10 lightening talks followed by small roundtable discussion (lasting approximately 20 minutes) so that attendees can discuss the topic in greater detail in a small group setting. 

To propose a Lightning round session for the 2017 Annual Celebrating College Teaching Conference on October 20, 2017 at the Kent State University Student Center, carefully follow the guidelines below and submit your proposal directly to no later than July 15, 2017.  The session is Friday, October 20, 2017 from 2:00 – 3:30.

Guidelines for submission:
  1. Subject line MUST STATE: Lightening Talk and Your Full Name
  2. Title of the presentation will be the first line in the body of the email.  It should not exceed 10 words and should be stimulate interest in the topic (make it catchy)!
  3. “Abstract” will consist of no more than 4 sentences (under 50 words) excluding the title.
  4. Proposals will be reviewed by members of the University Teaching Council Conference Committee.
Guidelines if Selected to Deliver a Lightning Round
  • After notification, please email Kimberly Peer ( on or before September 1, 2017 to:
    • Accept or decline your invitation to give the Lightning Round you proposed last month.
    • Ask questions you have about session expectations once you’ve read this document.
  • Review the Lightning Round tips/resource list and an example YouTube video link below to help you shape your session (NOTE: We will NOT have tech-supported Lightning Talks although you may see/read tech references in the Internet support tips—ours will be no tech/all talk).
  • Practice, practice, practice making your Lightning Talk fun, engaging, and lasting no more than 5 minutes total. Ask colleagues/friends/family for feedback.  If you have fun with it, so will your audience! 
  • Arrive at the scheduled room 10-15 minutes early (if your schedule allows) to get settled, try out the mic, and meet up with me and other speakers for any last minute info. You will be assigned to a table as a ‘home base’ that helps facilitate conversation after the talks are over and participants want to follow up/talk with you to learn more.
  • Contact us with questions, concerns, etc. at any point before the session.
  • We will send you a draft of the Lightning Talk presenter list prior to the conference so that you can submit any final edits to your information and see our order of Lightning Talk presenters.

Tips for an entertaining, joyous, and informative lightning talk by Barrie Byron (whole article at:…)

  • Get to the point quickly; invest no more than one minute on setup and background.
  • Share one great idea.
  • Tell a story; storytelling is universal and we all have a story to tell.
  • Show passion for an idea; spread your joy.
  • Share information but resist the temptation to explain in detail.
  • Don’t forget that the audience is on your side.
  • Remember that delivery is more important than content.
  • Be a star and get to Carnegie Hall. How? Practice, practice, practice.
  • Practice with a timer (there’s an app for that).
  • End strongly and “power wrap” your lightning talk- restate your one great idea.
Other Resources:

16 Way to Prepare for a Lightning Talk -

Lightning Talk video: Fighting Dirty in Scrabble -

Remember, we are doing Lightning Talks with NO TECH—just you and a microphone and your audience!  5-minute limit…