Career Maturity Inventory

The Career Maturity Inventory (CMI) is a helpful way for students to gain personal insight into the process of and readiness for making career choices.  The CMI includes a series of 24 questions and is most often recommended to students enrolled in the First Year Experience course, Career Navigation: Constructing Possibilities course, or upon recommendation by an advisor or career counselor. 

Career Maturity Inventory

This assessment is based on "career construction" theory (Savickas, 2005) whereby students should approach career decisions with: 

  1. A concern for their futures (choosing to become aware of how satisfying career choices are made),
  2. A sense of personal control over their careers (choosing to seek advice from credible sources but recognizing YOU are your own best-expert),
  3. The curiosity to experiment with possible selves and opportunities (choosing to seek information about different occupations), and
  4. The confidence to engage in designing their occupational futures and executing plans to make them a reality (choosing to believe in your ability to make the best choice for yourself).

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For assistance with interpreting your results, meet with one of our career experts.