On the Job - Now What?

How you approach your first year on the job can have a significant impact on your job satisfaction and ability to advance in your career.

Talents required in today's workplace include managing competing demands, operating effectively in cross-functional teams, and solving problems for which there is no routine solution.

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Advance Your Success and Career

Employers expect you to continue learning and contribute to the success of the organization. Employ the following activities in order to advance your success and career.

  1. Get organized and establish goals
    Develop goals, review them frequently, and take action and initiative at every opportunity. Include activities such as building relationships and keeping abreast of industry trends. Strong organizational skills are key to moving forward in your career.
  2. Network
    Utilize networking skills to discover unmet needs within your organization. Interact with leaders in your profession and maintain or re-establish contact with former business associates, college alumni, and professors.
  3. Know organizational priorities
    Keep updated on the priorities of your organization and improve your resume by developing skills that are important to the success of the organization.
  4. Professional dress and etiquette
    Adopt the attire and positive attitude appropriate for the position you would like to have in your company. Wearing inappropriate clothing at work could sabotage a career. Practice proper telephone, email, social media, and dining etiquette.  Be sensitive to other cultures and their customs.
  5. Make it easy to get that promotion
    Get the job done and do it well. Take on more difficult responsibilities to prove that you are responsible and capable. Although adding responsibilities to your present position is not a promotion, it can lead to a bonus, salary increase, or other benefits.
  6. Be visible
    Ensure that your accomplishments are known to others including speaking up during meetings and presenting suggestions for improving business practices.
  7. Gain the trust of your co-workers
    Be a dependable team player and work effectively with your peers to gain the trust of co-workers and managers that will allow them to view you in a positive light.
  8. Learn from your mistakes
    Everyone makes mistakes, but successful people turn them into learning experiences. Take time to ask questions and pursue additional training.
  9. Find your niche and stay upbeat
    Discover skills that you possess that are lacking within your department. Sometimes these unique talents are key to getting that promotion. Maintain a positive attitude when workloads peak to demonstrate an ability to produce results under pressure.