Questions to Ask to Refine Your Job Search
Before you begin your search, make sure you can answer the following questions. Be able to describe the jobs you are seeking, why you are qualified for those positions, and customize your resume accordingly.
What are my likes and dislikes?
- Take the Interest Inventory in MyPlan
- Complete the Self-Directed Search at the Career Services Center
- Take the Values Assessment in MyPlan
What am I good at?
- Take the Skills Profiler in MyPlan
- Complete the Skills Sort to identify the skills you are good at and enjoy
Why do I want to pursue this career?
- Discover your Decision-Making Style
- Explore the Quick Career Decision Maker
What is the job outlook?
- Look at the Occupational Outlook Handbook
- Explore O*Net Online
What kind of life can I have with this career?
- Complete the Imagine Your Future Workday exercise to reflect on your preferred work environment
- Conduct an informational interview with a professional working in your chosen career
- What is your desired/minimum salary? Use the Salary Calculator to also consider the cost of living for specific geographical locations
Where do I find these jobs?
- Utilize Handshake
- Take advantage of networking strategies
- Check out the Career Services Center's Calendar of Events
- Review our favorite career/job search links
Can you answer the following questions for employers of interest?
- Full Name of Company - (if acronym, know what it stands for)
- Is the organization public or private?
- What industry is the company in?
- What are its revenues/sales? Is it on the Fortune 500 or 1000 List?
- How many employees?
- Is the company local, regional, national, or multinational?
- What is a general description of the company? What are its chief products or services?
- Who is the company's main competitor?
- What are some recent news stories involving the organization?
How do I best prepare for employment in this area?
- Learn how to benefit from internships
- Learn all about interviewing
- Spruce up your resume
- Gain related volunteer and community service experiences