Instructor, Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson

Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson is the instructor for the 2018 PEERS conference at Kent State UniversityDr. Elizabeth Laugeson, Instructor
Associate Clinical Professor, UCLA
Founder and Director, UCLA PEERS® Clinic
Director, The Help Group-UCLA Autism Research Alliance
Training Director, UCLA Tarjan Center UCEDD
Phone: 310-267-3377
Facebook and Twitter: UCLA PEERS

Founder and Director, UCLA PEERS Clinic; Assistant Clinical Professor, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences, David Geffen School of Medicine, UCLA. Dr. Laugeson is also the training director for the Tarjan Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities at the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior

The PEERS® Certified School-Based Training for Educators is designed exclusively for teachers, school psychologists, counselors, speech and language pathologists, administrators, and school-based professionals who are interested in learning to implement The PEERS® Curriculum for School-Based Professionals.