Racial Equity Teachers Institute (RETI)
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RETI will get you ready!
This virtual and free program led by Kent State facilitators will focus on anti-bias and building culturally relevant classrooms for K-12 educators.
Participants will explore bias and racism and build skills to create equitable and inclusive classrooms.
Kent State facilitators will lead an institute focused on anti-bias and building culturally relevant classrooms for K-12 educators. The institute will focus on recognizing biases, learning language, and building an inclusive curriculum. Participants will explore how bias may impact student learning in the classroom and strategies to address it. Participants will be provided with tools to manage bias and build an inclusive curriculum. The participants will leave with ideas, strategies, and an actual modified syllabus or lesson plan with anti-bias and racial equity strategies integrated within it. This institute is designed so that it can be applied to any and all subjects taught in K-12 schools.
Registrants will participate in either the morning sessions or afternoon sessions. Each day will have the same workshop repeated in the morning and afternoon.
This is a virtual program.
Cost: Free
Participants will also be expected to read Bettina Love’s: We Want to Do More Than Survive: Abolitionist Teaching and the Pursuit of Educational Freedom, (Intro Track) or Culturally Sustaining Pedagogies (Advance Track) which will be provided.
Upon completion of the full 6-hour program, participants will receive a certificate reflecting .6 CEUs/6 contact hours.
Questions? Contact Dr. N.J. Akbar at nakbar@kent.edu
Grant funded by: