Other Processes Relating to Faculty and Personnel Actions

A.         Annual CV Update

All Faculty members are required to provide an electronic updated curriculum vita (CV) annually to the Department office. 

B.         Sanctions

A sanction is a documented corrective action in response to a Faculty member's unsatisfactory performance of his/her duties and responsibilities as a member of the Faculty. (See, CBA Article VIII). 

C.         Faculty Leaves

All leaves, sponsored or unsupported, personal or professional, are subject to the approval of the Chair, the Dean and the Provost.

University leaves include but are not limited to:

1.      Research leaves (See UPR 3342-6-11.8 ).

2.      Leaves of absence without pay (See UPR 3342-6-11.9).

3.      Faculty professional improvement leaves (See UPR 3342-6-12).

4.      Research/Creative Activity appointments (See UPR 3342-6-15.3).

D.         Faculty Absence and Travel Policy

Faculty/faculty members who will be absent from campus and cannot fulfill their assigned teaching duties for professional or personal reasons must submit a Request for Absence Form with the Chair.  The request should be made at least one (1) month prior to the planned absence and is subject to the approval of the Chair and the Dean.  Arrangements for any classes to be missed during the absence must be addressed to the satisfaction of the Chair before approval will be granted.

Attendance at professional meetings is encouraged and approved travel expenses incurred in attending such meetings will be reimbursed when approved prior to travel according to the University's travel policies and are subject to the availability of Department funds.  In general, greater amounts of support will be granted to meeting participants (i.e. those presenting a paper, chairing a session, meeting administrative obligations, and the like.  ) than to Faculty/faculty members who simply attend professional meetings.  In addition, when possible, the Department will provide financial support for professional programs offering Faculty/faculty development of benefit to the mission of the Department.

E.         Faculty Sick Leave

The Chair is responsible for keeping complete records of Faculty/faculty sick leave; however, Faculty/faculty members are also required to record their sick leave accurately on the University’s online system.  Sick leave should be reported online within forty-eight (48) hours after an absence, whenever possible.  (See University Policy Register 3342-6-11.1).

F.         Outside Employment and Other Outside Activities

Faculty members may engage in professional activities outside the university provided the activities do not interfere with the Faculty member's teaching, research, or service responsibilities to the Department, Campus, College or University (See, University Policy Register 3342-6-24). These activities must not compete with University activity or the Faculty member’s employment with the University and must be approved in advance by the Chair and the Dean. Each academic year, each Faculty member must disclose and seek approval for all outside employment or other outside activities on the form provided by the University.  Any outside employment or other outside activities are subject to the Faculty Code of Ethics and the University’s conflict of interest policies.  (See, University Policy Register 3342-6-17 and 3342-6-23)

G.         Copyright Restrictions

All Faculty members should be aware of current copyright laws which restrict the copying of published materials.  For further information, contact the University’s Office of Legal Affairs.

H.         Academic Misconduct

The University policy regarding misconduct in research and scholarship and the Administrative policy and procedures regarding allegations and instances of misconduct in research and scholarship is included in the University Policy Register. (See, University Policy Register 3342-3-05 and 3342-2-05.01)