Transitional Housing

With the large number of new students in this year's freshman class and the current demand for on campus housing, some students who submitted their housing applications near or after the housing deadline  may be assigned to transitional housing.  Transitional housing is a placement on a student floor in a location that is normally used as a study lounge but has been temporarily converted to house students.  When this happens student room furniture is moved into the space and the door locks are reprogrammed as a student room, securing it to only the assigned residents.

Depending on the location size, two, three, or four students may be assigned to the converted space.  At this time it is difficult to project how long this temporary arrangement may last.  As students cancel and inform University Housing of their intentions, residence hall spaces will open up in an ongoing basis during August and throughout the fall semester.  Our assignments staff will monitor this process and work with students assigned to transitional spaces.  Our hope is that if assigned to a transitional room, we are able to change your placement before move-in or very shortly thereafter.  However, it is possible that your assignment in this space may last for several weeks.

To better inform students of what to expect, photos of various converted transitional spaces are shown below.

Allyn Hall Transitional Housing

Allyn Hall Transitional Housing

Dunbar/ Prentice Hall
Dunbar Hall Transitional Housing

Dunbar Transitional Housing

Tri Towers
Koonce Hall Transitional Housing

Koonce Hall Transitional Housing

Lake/ Olson Hall
Lake Hall Transitional Housing

Lake Hall Transitional Housing