Vacation Leave Accrual Schedules - Unclassified Full-Time

Unclassified Full-Time (12-month appointment)

Years of Service
Hours Earned per Month or Pay
Days Earned per Year
Maximum Hours for Vacation Carryover and Payout
0-20 13.33 per month 20 (160 hours) 480
21 14.00 per month 21 (168 hours) 504
22 14.67 per month 22 (176 hours) 528
23 15.33 per month 23 (184 hours) 552
24 16.00 per month 24 (192 hours) 576
25  16.67 per month 25 (200 hours) 600
      *Additional one day per year up to a maximum addition of 5 days for a total accrual of 25 days for 25 or more years of service
Utilization: Eligible to use vacation at the time employment begins