What are the general steps in the investigation process?

  • Initial meeting with the Complainant. The Title IX Coordinator (or assigned Deputy Title IX Coordinator) will contact the Complainant to schedule an initial meeting. During this meeting, an overview of the investigation process, an explanation of the Complainant’s rights, information about filing with external agencies (i.e., law enforcement, state and federal agencies), information about campus support resources, and an assessment to determine the necessity of interim measures are provided to the Complainant. The Complainant may bring an advisor or support person to this meeting and any follow up meetings.
  • Initial meeting with the Respondent. The assigned investigator will contact the Respondent to schedule the initial meeting. During this meeting, an overview of the investigation process, an explanation of the Respondent’s rights, information about campus support resources, and an assessment to determine the necessity of interim measures are provided. The Respondent is given the option to provide a written response regarding the complainant’s allegations. The Respondent is allowed ten (10) working days to prepare the written response. The Respondent may bring an advisor or support person to this meeting and any follow up meetings.
  • Gathering Information. The investigator will interview all parties and witnesses, compile statements, verify statements, gather/obtain documentation and evidence, and draft the final report. The investigator will work with the parties to obtain originals or copies of documents, videos, pictures, etc. that will be maintained in the case file. Both the Complainant and Respondent will be given periodic status updates, as available, throughout the investigation. 
  • Outcome and Sanctions. If the Respondent is a student, the investigator will prepare an investigation summary report and then submit the report to the Office of Student Conduct requesting a review hearing. The Office of Student Conduct may convene and review the evidence to determine by a preponderance of the evidence (more likely than not) whether the Respondent has violated university policy 5-16.2. Both parties will receive the Outcome Determination at the conclusion of the hearing. If the Respondent is an employee, the investigator will prepare an investigation summary report and determine by a preponderance of the evidence whether the employee violated university policy. If the investigator finds that the Respondent did violate university policy, the investigator will submit recommendations for disciplinary sanctions to the employee’s supervisor.
  • Appeals. Either party has the right to appeal the outcome decision. If the Respondent is a student, they will follow the appeals procedure outlined by the Office of Student Conduct. If the Respondent is an employee, they have 15 days to file an appeal with the Title IX Coordinator. The Title IX Coordinator will conduct an administrative review of the investigation.