To avoid unhealthy eating habits, make sure your fridge is stocked with healthy food options and plan out your meals snacks ahead of time. Stick to an eating schedule just as you would during a normal week of working in the office. Eat meals away from your desk. Set caffeine limits and don’t forget to drink water. Portion out your healthy snacks and make them easily accessible so that you’re less tempted to mindlessly munch on sweets and junk food. Limit unhealthy foods kept in the home so you don’t reach for products high in sugar, salt and fat when experiencing stress.
For additional help with nutrition while telecommuting, schedule a telephonic health coaching appointment with a Be Well Solutions dietitian through the portal or email
Less than 1/4 of American adults get the recommended amounts of both aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). As a remote worker, you have extra time in your day that you don’t have to waste commuting into an office. Use that time to exercise and move. Reap the health benefits of exercise by opting for a lunchtime walk, a virtual yoga session, or a quick 20-minute workout. Make time to stretch specific areas of the body that may be strained from prolong sitting like your back, neck and hips.
Click here to access virtual resources to support your health and well-being.
Just like the rest of your body, you need to give your eyeballs a break when you work from home. Protect your eyes by looking away from your screen every 20 minutes or so for at least 30 seconds or longer. That will give your eyes a chance to recuperate and avoid eye strain and potential headaches. Set reminders if needed.