Scorecard Reference Table

Quality Assurance
The Quality Assurance category is judged based on the general upkeep of your website's content. Ideally, your website will have no broken links or misspellings, and all content will adhere to the guidelines set forth in the University Guide to Web Standards.
Broken Links
Broken links not only hurt the overall user experience of your website, but negatively affect SEO and website crawlers such as SiteImprove. Users favor websites that have working links and are easy to navigate.
Broken links affect less than 5% of pages.
Misspellings can hurt the credibility of your website, and may be especially difficult for international students and automatic website translators to interpret.
Misspellings affect less than 5% of pages.
Images larger than 1MB in file size slow down page load times or may not load at all on slow connections, hurting the overall user experience of your website. Images need to be saved for web in accordance with the University Guide to Web Standards.
No images larger than 1MB in file size.
The Accessibility category is judged based on how well assistive technology users can expect to navigate your website, as well as your general knowledge and experience with accessible website design. Ideally, your website will not present any accessibility roadblocks, and creating accessible content will be an integral part of your job duties as a website editor.
Accessibility Training
Attending the two-hour Accessibility Training hosted by University Communications and Marketing shows an eagerness to incorporate accessibility into your current website plan, and covers the basic principles of creating accessible web page content and documents.
Attend the website and document accessibility training.
Skills Test
Passing a personalized skills test demonstrates an awareness of accessibility issues on your website, as well as the ability to remediate these issues and prevent further accessibility issues from occurring.
Pass the personalized skills test with a score of 75% or higher.
Editor Issues (AA)
Editor issues (AA) are those that could negatively impact the experience of assistive technology users visiting your website. Although there are some exceptions, we expect all website editors to be able to correct these issues on their own website.
Editor issues (AA) affect less than 5% of pages.
The PDF category is judged based on the same principles used to judge the other categories of your website score: Quality Assurance and Accessibility. Ideally, the PDFs you upload to your website will have no broken links or accessibility roadblocks to users with disabilities, and all PDFs will be readable by assistive technology users.
Broken Links
PDFs with broken links hurt the user experience the same way that a website with broken links would. Broken links found in PDFs make the document more difficult to navigate, and reflect poorly on the overall user experience of the documents that you upload to your website.
Broken links affect less than 5% of PDFs.
Accessibility Issues
Documents such as PDFs are especially difficult for assistive technology users to navigate, and don't offer many of the same accessibility features that a website does. It is important to ensure that PDFs uploaded to your website are made accessible.
Accessibility issues affect less than 5% of PDFs.
Assistive technology users may not be able to read or understand a PDF if it is scanned, or doesn't include the proper tagging. It is important to ensure that all PDFs uploaded to your website are not scanned, and are properly tagged for accessibility.
No scanned or untagged PDFs.