Employment Overview

Full-Time Faculty    Graduate Assistants  Part-time Faculty

Full-Time Faculty

Contact Penny Lambe at pcates@kent.edu or 330-672-8718 with any questions.

There are three categories of full-time faculty: 1) full-time tenure-track (represented by a bargaining unit); 2) full-time non-tenure track (represented by a bargaining unit); 3) full-time term or temporary. 

Department heads in the Academic Units (chairs/directors, deans, assistant deans, associate deans) are typically hired as administrators on twelve-month assignments, who also hold rank as tenure track faculty.   

The American Association of University Professors, Kent State Chapter (AAUP-KSU), represents the tenure track faculty (Collective Bargaining Agreement Tenure-Track Faculty) and the non-tenure track faculty (Collective Bargaining Agreement Non-Tenure Track Faculty) .  Each group (tenure-track and non-tenure track) has a separate collective bargaining agreement with the university that sets forth their salaries, benefits, faculty workload, and other key terms and conditions of employment.  Excluded from these bargaining units are administrators, administrators with faculty rank, adjunct and part-time faculty, full-time term or temporary faculty whose appointments are grant funded or whose primary responsibilities are non-instructional, graduate appointees and other student employees, military personnel, and full service athletic coaches without earned faculty rank.

Appointing an individual to a faculty position requires carefully following a series of steps.  Please review the hiring steps for full-time faculty.

View the Hiring Steps for Full-Time Faculty

Graduate Assistants

Contact Jessica Hopkins, jhopki27@kent.edu or 330-672-8717 with any questions.

Graduate Appointments are processed in Academic Personnel.  A Faculty/Graduate Assistant Role Form is required before any updates are completed by Academic Personnel.  Departments are required to submit to Academic Personnel a completed Graduate Assistant Appointment Authorized Tuition Remission Form. This form should be sent as soon as a graduate assistant has signed the offer letter and prior to the first round of tuition payments due to the Bursar's Office.  

View the Hiring Steps for Graduate Assistants

Part-Time Faculty

Contact Candace Monteith, cmonteit@kent.edu or 330-672-8659 with any questions.

Part-time faculty are appointed as needed each semester.  Departments must maintain a pool of qualified potential part-time faculty who may or may not be asked to teach in any given semester, depending on the availability of courses they are deemed qualified to teach.  For information on advertising for your position, please contact HR Talent Acquisition at 330-672-2240.

view the Hiring Steps for Part-time Faculty