Can be done on either the IM Leagues app or website

  1. Download the IM Leagues app through your mobile device’s app store or go to
  2. Select “Login with email and password” DO NOT login with Facebook
  3. Use your Kent State email address and password to login
  4. APP: Tap the “Network” button in the bottom navigation bar
    WEB BROWSER: If you do not see the main page at this time, select “Sports” in the top middle banner
  5. Select which sport you would like to register for
  6. Choose which League your team will be participating in
    • The term “League” refers to the gender composition of the team members (i.e. Men, Women, Co-Rec, etc.)
  7. Finally, select your Division which your team is available to play in, by pressing the Create Team button under your desired time slot.
    • The term “Division” refers to the time and day of the week which your games will be played during the season
  8. If prompted, take the quiz and utilize the linked rules to pass it with a score of 100%!
  9. STAY ON THE PAGE! – Check the box and sign the waiver, and read all important information on the page
  10. Scroll down, and type in an appropriate team name as well as your FlashLine username
    • *Optional – IM Leagues will suggest a team logo based on your team name, please make sure this is also appropriate if utilized!
  11. Lastly, adjust team settings and type in your phone number
    • Suggested team settings:
      1. Auto-Accept Members = OFF
      2. Looking for Free Agents = 
        • ON if you need more team members
        • OFF if you already know you’ll have enough players
      3. Send Game Reminders = ON and set to “Day Of Game”
      4. Check box to allow updates to be sent via text
        • Cell phone text alerts will only be sent for your Game Reminders or urgent updates and reminders from the Intramural Staff (Standard texting and data rates apply)
  12. Push the CREATE TEAM button