eInside - Week of March 7, 2016
Kent State University President Beverly Warren recently presented eight Kent State employees with the President’s Excellence Award. Warren made surprise visits to each recipient’s office with a hearty congratulations and a check for $1,000.
News Briefs
In 2009, Shanice Cheatham, a graduate student at Kent State, was told that her father had a 10-percent chance of living after being infected with MRSA, methicillin-resistant staphylococcus aureus.
The Kent State University Climate Survey will launch March 8 to assess the university’s climate.
Samantha Glass, sophomore computer science major, became Kent State University at Stark’s first University Innovation Fellow, which makes her part of a national program designed to train student leaders to create entrepreneurial opportunities at their schools.
The Executive MBA program at Kent State University’s College of Business Administration has once again been ranked in the top tier of CEO Magazine’s Global Ranking.
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