从COVID-19新冠病毒袭击美国以来,医务人员发现,口罩、手套和防护服等个人防护装备已经成为一种“奢饰品”。这也是为什么肯特州立大学的管理部门、各教职员工已经开始收集学校的个人防护装备,向急需医疗用品的地方实体捐赠。以下是他们的一些故事:   卡拉·巴尼特(Kara Barnett)是化学和生物化学系,化学健康和安全协调员,她的工作很大一部分是负责部门的个人防护装备(PPE)。巴奈特是在看了州长迈克·德万(Mike Dewine)的一场每日新闻发布会后采取行动的,他联系了克里斯托弗·j·芬克博士(Christopher J. Fenk),请求他捐赠物资。他很喜欢这个想法,并把它推荐给了詹姆斯·布兰克(James L. Blank)博士,他是艺术与科学学院的院长。 这些物资于2020年3月27日捐赠给波蒂奇郡(Portage County)应急管理署(EMA)。 巴奈特说:“一开始我只是想从化学系收集手套(和其他物品),然后自己送过去。”“然而,很快就收到更多的捐赠了,我的车装不下了。有一次迪安·布兰克提出要运送捐赠物资到EMA,但是EMA的人提出要亲自去拿这笔捐款。从那时起,许多部门都捐款了。他们应该得到认可。”  捐赠的物资包括:4 万双手套,1700 个外科口罩,45 个N95口罩,19 副面罩还有一些一次性实验室工作服、防腐...

  肯特州立大学公共卫生学院流行病学教授Tara C. Smith教授与我们分享了她自己关于新冠病毒大流行的一些看法。“大家都知道,瘟疫在世界上总有反复的时候; 然而,不知何故,我们发现很难相信那些从蓝天上砸下来砸在我们头上的东西。”-阿尔贝·加缪《瘟疫》 自2019年12月世界首次听说在中国湖北省流行的“非典型肺炎”以来,好像过去了很多年一样。当我们在过去看到类似的报道时,这些疾病有多种原因,但最终都得到了控制。在20世纪90年代末,它是“禽流感”,一种从鸟类传播到人类的流感病毒,H5N1型。18个人被感染和6人死亡后,香港扑杀了数百万只鸡为了控制病毒, 但它在2003年再次出现, 慢慢蔓延全球, 导致861感染和455人死亡,当时的病死率是53%。 2002年,这种新型病毒最终被称为SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)冠状病毒,导致严重急性呼吸系统综合症。在2003年2月引起全球关注之前,它在中国广东省传播了数月,在严格的检疫和隔离程序启动并被控制住之前,在26个国家感染了8000多人。 自2003年以来,我们在中国已经看到多种新型禽流感从鸟类“蔓延”到人类,与H5N1一起传播。我们已经看到了H7N9、H10N8和H5N6的出现,这是一种数字和字母混合的病毒。病毒学家和流行病学家很了解它们,但可以理解的是,普通大众对它...

Discover Magazine (on-line and in print!) featured a story from the Experimental Archaeology Laboratory- have a look! ...

Nursing graduate Marissa Stelluto

Even as a preschooler, Marissa Stelluto knew she wanted to be a nurse. When her teddy bears got the sniffles, and her Barbies suffered the occasional broken leg, Stelluto was there to fix them. Toy stethoscope in hand, she listened for abnormal rhythms or other signs of something more serious. Her brother and sister played along, and she learned early that not every superhero wears a cape. But they do wear a mask. These days, the 25-year-old has traded in her plastic stethoscope for one made from stainless steel. Scrubs are her uniform; gloves serve as a shield. Stelluto and her fe...

Lester Sanders meets virtually with a Rising Scholars student.

Imagine being in high school and having no plan for your future… Imagine being told that college is not an option for you because of finances… Imagine no one in your family ever attending college and being discouraged at the thought… Then, imagine hearing that Kent State University at Stark’s Rising Scholars Program could change your life. Rising Scholars is designed to give first-generation and underrepresented students a pathway to achieve a college degree at no cost to participants. Our goal is for every student in our program to complete postsecondary education with the credent...

Join us in congratulating PhD candidate Danielle Jones on receiving an award for her *virtual* presentation at The Allied Genetics Conference (TAGC 2020 Online). The conference moved to an online format due to COVID-19, requiring attendees and presenters to get creative and think outside the box.  Danielle is a PhD candidate in the School of Biomedical Science's Neuroscience Program. She presented research that she completed while working with our colleagues at the Primate Research Institute of  Kyoto University in Japan. Her project was funded by the National Science Foundatio...

Flashes in the Field: Finding the Silver Lining

A woman wearing a face mask and gloves nervously enters Aladdin’s Eatery at The Strip in Belden Village to pick up her food. Clearly anxious, she expresses concern about touching anything to sign her receipt. She proceeds to wait outside of the restaurant for her server-turned-carryout hostess to deliver her order. A Target customer attempts to check out with nearly 10 gallons of milk. He becomes irate and leaves the store without purchasing anything after the cashier gently reminds him that there is a limit of two gallons per customer. This is a new reality for Kent State University at ...

Elizabeth Ohlin

Dear Stark County high school seniors, This is not how you wanted your senior year to end. You deserved last dances at the prom, championship tournaments and walking with your class to the timeless sound of “Pomp and Circumstance”. But as our circumstances would have it, those celebratory marches, game-winning shots and slow songs aren’t to be. Still, we at Kent State University at Stark cheer you on because you are a resilient bunch. You were just babies on 9/11, just little kids when the Great Recession had an impact on many families, and now, you are making big sacrifices for the s...

“刚刚,我们医院的主任医师给全体员工发送电子邮件,通知我们说,我们不得不开始自己制作口罩了。” 就读于肯特州立大学艺术与科学学院,机器人研究与计算机科学专业的博士Irvin Cardenas说,他从未从他在克利夫兰一家顶级医院工作的好友口中听到过如此糟糕的消息。 俄亥俄州每天都有新增的新型冠状病毒(COVID-19)病例,并且预计在接下来的几周中会出现激增的情况。个人防护设备(PPE)的严重短缺是成千上万的医疗人员和急救人员面临的巨大挑战。   学生开始采取行动 位于俄亥俄州东北部的志愿者以自己的行动来帮助缓解俄亥俄州口罩短缺的问题:在家中自制口罩。但这些手工制作的口罩可能无法为工作在第一线医护人员提供足够的保护。 基于这种情况,Cardenas以及其他几位肯特州立大学计算机科学学院,时尚学院和工商管理学院的同学决定立即采取行动。他们与朋友和同事在网络中取得联系,快速计算出需要用来购买设备的可能性支出,着手准备筹款项目。他们直接与国际医疗用品制造商联系,计划购买医用口罩及相关设备捐赠给当地的医生和护士。 3月25日,他们建立了GoFundMe页面,该页面已经在该网站上筹集了3,100多美元。于此同时,来自其他渠道的善款也已经直接提交给了Cardenas。他们第一个购买订单于3月31日到达,这是3,000张经过...

Kent State University at Stark’s Corporate University is offering complimentary check-in surveys to area businesses to assess their employees’ needs during the coronavirus pandemic. “Just as we continue to provide academic services to our students during this unprecedented time, we are providing this service as a help to our local business community,” said Denise A. Seachrist, Ph.D., Kent State Stark’s dean and chief administrative officer. “Our Corporate University is providing this check-in survey to assist business leaders in keeping the pulse of their employees, many of whom are working...

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