Undergraduate Studies Committee (USC)

The Undergraduate Studies Committee assists the Undergraduate Coordinator with administration of the undergraduate programs. In consultation with School faculty and the Director, as appropriate, the USC makes recommendations on admissions policies, course scheduling, undergraduate curriculum development, undergraduate student progress and performance, undergraduate student honors and awards, and school and university policies that impact the undergraduate program. The USC assumes responsibility for writing intensive, diversity, and LER courses. The USC would conduct undergraduate program reviews in accordance with university policy.

The USC shall be composed of the Undergraduate Coordinator, who will serve as chairperson, at least two School faculty members (at least one of whom must be a full-time, tenure-track faculty member), and one undergraduate student. The FAC elects and recommends to the School Director all USC members. All elections normally take place by the end of the spring semester for a term to begin with the ensuing fall semester. Faculty members serve staggered 2-year terms. The undergraduate student member serves a 1-year term. The undergraduate student member shall participate in and vote on policy recommendations, but shall be excluded from all personnel matters. At its discretion, the USC may meet as an Undergraduate Studies Committee of the whole faculty for any undergraduate matters.