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University policy regarding parking regulations

  1. Preamble.
    1. The general assembly of the state of Ohio has granted the board of trustees the authority to create parking and traffic regulations to control the use of all vehicles on university property.
    2. This rule having been duly approved by the board of trustees is legally enforceable by the duly appointed enforcement officers of the university.
    3. All applicable statutes of the "Ohio Motor Vehicle Code" shall apply to all owners and/or operators of motor vehicles on university property.
    4. Parking services is a university auxiliary service. Generated income shall be used for the operation of parking services, the maintenance and improvement of existing parking areas and the construction of additional parking areas.
    5. All persons on university property must comply with all provisions of these regulations and any lawful order of any duly appointed enforcement officer of the university.
    6. Parking credentials are and shall remain the property of Kent state university. A duly appointed enforcement officer of the university may enter a locked vehicle and confiscate a parking permit in cases of continued violations of any section of the parking regulations or for any violation of paragraph (E) of this rule.
    7. A duly appointed enforcement officer of the university may have a vehicle removed if found parked in violation of any of these regulations. Vehicles may be towed or booted for unpaid tickets even though legally parked at the time.
    8. Parking services is authorized to install parking control signs on university property as it deems necessary.
  2. Registration for parking.
    1. All employees and students of the university must register their vehicle(s) and obtain valid parking credentials through parking services to park on campus.
    2. All parking credentials must be displayed as directed by parking services.
    3. Parking credentials are only valid for vehicles that are operable and display current license plates.
    4. Kent state university parking credentials may only be sold by and purchased from parking services exclusively and cannot be resold.
    5. Employees who park their vehicles on university property other than in the free parking area will be charged for their parking credential. Employees covered by a collective bargaining agreement will be charged for their parking credential in accordance with the terms of the bargaining agreement.
    6. For employees choosing not to pay for parking, a free parking area is provided. All vehicles parked in this area must obtain appropriate parking credential. Student employees hired through career services in accordance with rules 3342-6-25 and 3342-6-25.1 of the Administrative Code are not eligible for free parking.
    7. University students will be charged for their parking credential in accordance with established rates.
  3. Prohibited parking and driving.
    1. No person operating a motor vehicle on university property shall fail to comply with the provisions of officially-posted parking signs or markings unless otherwise directed by a duly appointed enforcement officer of the university.
    2. No person while operating a motor vehicle on university property shall drive off the designed roadway onto grass or other surface unless specifically directed by a duly appointed enforcement officer of the university.
    3. No person operating a motor vehicle on university property shall park or remain stationary:
      1. On a sidewalk.
      2. On a campus lawn.
      3. In front of a drive.
      4. Within an intersection.
      5. Within ten feet of a fire hydrant.
      6. On a crosswalk.
      7. Within any traffic or bus lane.
      8. Blocking a handicap ramp.
      9. Beyond the designated space for parking such vehicle.
      10. Over the time limit allowed by permit restrictions or posted signs.
      11. Against the flow of traffic.
      12. At an expired meter during posted hours.
      13. Without obtaining proper parking credentials or unless otherwise authorized.
  4. Responsibility. Any ticket issued against a vehicle parked in violation of these regulations will be the responsibility of the registered credential holder, unless the credential was previously reported lost or stolen. If the vehicle does not have a valid parking credential, and the operator is not known, the ticket will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner.
  5. Misuse of parking credentials.
    1. No person shall make, possess or display an altered or counterfeit credential.
    2. No person shall possess or display a stolen or found credential or give said credential to another person knowing that the permit was reported lost or stolen.
    3. No person shall knowingly give false information in application for a parking credential or in the reporting of a lost or stolen credential.
    4. No person shall use a credential for any purpose other than that for which it was intended.
    5. No person shall purchase or furnish a credential to another person who is not authorized to have that credential.
    6. No person shall fail to surrender any credential or gate card to parking services on demand.
  6. Parking privilege suspensions and fines.
    1. A person found in violation of this rule shall be assessed fines in accordance with the amounts and/or schedules published in the university fee register. All fines must be paid by the person found in violation of this rule within seven calendar days after the date of issuance of the ticket in the manner provided for by parking services.
    2. Parking ticket appeals must be submitted online, within seven calendar days of the issuance of the ticket. All appeals will be reviewed by parking services. Once a decision has been made regarding the appeal, the individual will be notified.
    3. If the fine for the parking ticket is not paid or appealed within seven calendar days after issuance, one or more of the following actions may be taken:
      1. Application for renewal of parking credentials may be denied.
      2. Vehicle may be towed or booted at the expense of the violator/owner.
      3. Transcript of academic records may be withheld.
      4. Permission to register for classes may be denied.
      5. Parking privileges may be suspended until all past fines are paid, and vehicle towed or booted immediately if found parked on university property.
    4. Parking services may suspend parking privileges for up to one year for the continued violation of any paragraph of this rule or for any violation of paragraph (E) of this rule.
    5. Any person who parks a vehicle on Kent state university property after their parking privileges have been suspended by either parking services or judicial affairs shall be towed or booted at the expense of the owner/violator.
    6. In addition to the fines provided for in paragraph (F)(1) of this rule, persons violating any of the regulations set forth herein this rule and of the Administrative Code may be charged under applicable state statutes and/or may be referred to student conduct or the appropriate vice president.
  7. Validity of regulations. If any provision of this rule, or any part thereof, shall for any reason be held to be illegal, invalid or unenforceable, such illegality, invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision hereof and the remaining provisions of this rule shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal, invalid or unenforceable provision were not contained herein and each of the remaining provisions hereof shall continue to be effective and operative to the full extent permitted by law.
  8. Temporary modifications. The director of public safety is granted the authority and responsibility for temporarily modifying certain provisions of this rule under extraordinary or unusual circumstances when such modification is in the best interest of the university.
Policy Effective Date:
Mar 18, 2020
Policy Prior Effective Dates: 
11/4/1977, 8/27/1979, 1/25/1980, 4/5/1982, 6/22/1984, 7/22/1987, 8/14/1996, 10/20/2002, 6/1/2007, 6/22/2007, 7/23/2007, 7/11/2008, 6/22/2012, 3/1/2015