Employees (Business Operations)

  • In the event that there is inclement weather but Kent campus is not closed, employees should always use sound personal judgments regarding the safety of their travel when deciding whether or not to report to work. Employees should notify their supervisors if they are unable to report to work or feel it necessary to leave early. Any absence must be recorded in the form of leave (vacation, personal, or comp time). University leave policy governs the reporting and recording of work absences.
  • When there is a delayed opening of the Kent Campus, employees shall report to work when the delay has been lifted, with the exception of those staff members who are deemed essential and must report. If you are not sure of your status, please check with your supervisor.
  • When classes are canceled, university services and offices remain open. This means that staff members are expected to report to work as usual, or remain at work if the cancelation occurs during the day. If there is an exception to this, it will be communicated with the cancelation announcement. 
  • Only when the university is “closed” due to weather are offices closed and some services not available. Even in that situation, essential staff members must report to work so that operations needing 24-hour attention are maintained. Nonessential staff are not required to report to campus or work remotely during a campus closure, regardless of telecommuting arrangement. However, staff must check with their supervisors to determine their team’s work plan, as some operations, deadlines and urgent items may require that nonessential staff still work during a closure. These instances are to be handled on a case-by-case basis between supervisor and employee.