2024-25  NYC Fashion Cost Comparison-
Semester Programs

Semester program-Fall/Spring 

NYC Fashion Semester 

Kent State "KENT" Campus Semester In-State/Out-of-State 

Important Notes

Costs applied to your Student Account 

Housing/tuition/food estimated. Check out your cohort price  at www.kent.edu/tuition 

Kent State Tuition-Semester

$6,337/ $11,072

Kent State Tuition 

$6,337/ $11,072

Kent State Tuition 

Based on full-time enrollment/in-state/out-of-state This is also based on your cohort so this is estimated.

Out-of-pocket expenses 

School of Fashion Program fee (Deposit) 



Deposit Due:
Fall-March 1
Spring-July 1

School of Fashion Program fee (Second payment) 



Remaining balance/Billed one week before the first day of the semester allowing the use of a financial aid refund 




Based on size, location, amenities, price.

NYC Housing Addendum:  This allows qualified students to take additional financial aid to help with NYC housing costs.  You may locate the form by visiting:  University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid | Kent State University and clicking on Financial Aid Forms and Applications, then scrolling down to Education Abroad (Study Abroad/Away) and selecting the 2024-2025 NYC Housing Addendum form.

Please direct questions to Andrew Peper at finaideducationabroad@kent.edu.


Choice of transportation 

Choice of transportation 

Relative to your location including airport transport (if relevant) 


$3,000 - $5,000 


No meal plans available/Estimated 




Varies per major 

Personal Expenses 




Local Commuting/Transit


$1,288 / $1,673 (on campus/ off campus)


Total Estimated Cost



Scholarships and financial can be applied to Student account costs

All prices are estimates and subject to change per semester.


2024-25  NYC Fashion Cost Comparison-
Summer Programs             

Summer Program 

NYC Fashion Summer       

Kent State "KENT" Campus Summer

Important Notes

Costs applied to your Student Account 

Housing/tuition/food estimated. Check out your cohort price  at www.kent.edu/tuition 

Kent State Tuition- Summer 


Kent State Tuition  


Kent State Tuition  

Based on 6 credit hours/Study tour expense included/Check out your cohort price at

Out-of-pocket expenses 

School of Fashion Program Fee (Deposit) 



Deposit-Summer-February 1

School of Fashion Program fee (Second payment) 



Remaining balance due one week before the first day of the semester allowing the use of a financial aid refund

Housing- (Kent housing based on off-campus costs)



Based on size, location, amenities, price.

NYC Housing Addendum: This allows qualified students to take additional financial aid to help with NYC housing costs. You may locate the form by visiting: University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid | Kent State University and clicking on Financial Aid Forms and Applications, then scrolling down to Education Abroad (Study Abroad/Away) and selecting the 2024-2025 NYC Housing Addendum form.

Please direct questions to Andre Peper at finaideducationabroad@kent.edu.

Airfare/Transportation to NYC

Choice of transportation 

Choice of transportation 

Relative to your location 




No meal plans available/Estimated 




Varies per major 

Personal Expenses 




Local Commuting/Transit




Total Estimated Cost



Scholarships and financial can be applied to Student account costs

All prices are estimates and subject to change per semester. 

Veterans Benefits: For students who are able to utilize Veterans Benefits, New York City has recently been approved for housing allowances. This is based on the cost of living in NYC (vs. Kent), which means students may be eligible for up to a $3,300 housing allowance per month.  For more information, visit www.kent.edu/cavs/getstarted to complete all of the steps necessary to utilize your benefits.

NYC Housing Addendum: This allows qualified students to take additional financial aid to help with NYC housing costs. You may locate the form by visiting the University Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid | Kent State University and clicking on Financial Aid Forms and Applications, then scrolling down to Education Abroad (Study Abroad/Away) and selecting the 2024-2025 NYC Housing Addendum form. Please direct questions to Andre Peper at finaideducationabroad@kent.edu.

For more information on Kent State University's Cost of Attendance www.kent.edu/financialaid/tuition-and-other-costs