College of Communication & Information

Jordan Edgar in front of pizzeria logo she designed

Senior visual communication design major Jordan Edgar, '23, is the creator of the logo for Homeslice Pizzeria, Kent State’s newest dining location.  Edgar is a student multimedia designer for University Housing and Culinary Services and was asked to design the logo for Homeslice. Before beginning the design process, Edgar knew she wanted to create a logo that would match the environment of the Kent Student Center and incorporate elements of a pizza restaurant.  “For colors, we wanted to use red and green that would match the theme of a pizza place,” she said.  ...

Side by side portraits of Michael Gallagher and Jenna Gilbreath

In Spring 2019 Jenna Gilbreath, ’23, was an incoming communication studies student, unsure and nervous about what her new life at Kent State University would look like. During an incoming student visit day, one person and one conversation reassured her that she was on the right path. That person was Michael John Gallagher II, '19. “I had no idea if I had made the right decision and what my new life was going to look like. … I was eating lunch with my mom, and a student sat down with us. It was Michael,” Jenna recalled. “He put my mind to rest when I found out he was a global communication s...

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