What if I am thinking about two different minors and can't decide?

Talk with faculty, and take a look at the courses within the minors. You might find that some of the coursework is similar across minors. So, take a class that could serve two different minors as you make your decision. This will give you a chance to get to know both fields related to the minor, get to know the different minor programs a bit better. And it will give you information to take back to your SPA faculty advisor as you make your decision.

If I am considering a minor what should I do?

Talk with your advisor from SPA. You should also contact the department where you are considering the minor and meet with a faculty person there. Ask this person about the job market in that field. Ask the faculty person what it would take to turn the minor to a major should you decide to do this. Let the faculty person know you are majoring in SPA and ask him/her how a minor in the area you are considering would/could help you.

What happens if I make my minor my major and don't get an undergraduate degree in SPA? Does that mean I can't go to graduate school to become an SLP?

No, people from many different fields, who have worked for some to many years, decide to apply to graduate school to become an SLP. These people still have to apply and get accepted into grad school, but they are considered Post Baccalaureate students. This means that the students will need to take some undergraduate courses from SPA, depending on the prerequisite coursework already completed.

What are the benefits of getting a minor?

A minor can enhance the SPA degree because the coursework in the minor may be related to the major. This will ultimately make an SPA major more marketable once a graduate degree is earned and the student is interviewing for positions.

A minor can become a major if the student finds that after 4 years of the undergrad program he/she either can't afford grad school, is very tired of school and needs to work, or if he/she does not get into grad school.

Is it better to do a minor or not?

Doing a minor is an individual decision. Some things to think about are: will the effort needed to complete a minor take away from doing well in the core SPA courses? Will the minor become a backup plan if I don't get into grad school or change my mind? What can I do with this minor? If you are thinking about a minor, talk with your advisor in SPA. You should/could also contact a faculty person in the minor area.

Honors students stocking the Care Closet

Kent State Trumbull's Honors students collaborated with Trumbull Satellite, a student-run multimedia digital magazine, to collect and deliver dry goods, canned foods and personal items to the campus Care Closet and Food Pantry.   Aside from taking on the challenge of rigorous coursework, Honors students are encouraged to find ways to make a positive difference in the lives of those around them. In this case, they chose fellow students who may be struggling with food insecurity. "When I first visited the Care Closet and Food Pantry, I was amazed by all of the items available to studen...

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