Impact Profile, Logan H., ’20

Logan H., a senior architectural studies and environmental studies major, returned from an influential study abroad trip filled with learning and discovery in December 2019.

Just a few months after having this positive experience in Florence, the COVID-19 pandemic began, and Logan felt both scared and uncertain. He lost his job as a server and bartender, but he did not qualify for unemployment.

With the Kent campus and local shops closed and no job to go to anymore, Logan felt trapped in his apartment.

“The feeling of being stuck is overwhelming. I used on-campus and local coffee shops as my workstations since I did not have Wi-Fi, and I used to go to campus facilities, such as the Student Rec Center. It was my escape, and it allowed me to set time for myself in my busy schedule,” Logan said.

In addition to these stresses, Logan’s father recently passed away, making it more difficult for him emotionally.

A sense of relief came when Logan found out he received assistance from the Kent State Emergency Grant Fund.

“Generations of alumni are helping secure the future for the next generations of leaders and educators. I hope I can help my peers, students and community members in a similar way.”

“I felt glad that my university has resources to help its students, especially since, for some, Kent State is their family,” Logan said.

Logan is grateful “Flashes Take Care of Flashes” and recognizes the importance of this motto.

To help more students like Logan, visit the website and make a secure online gift to the Kent State Emergency Grant Fund.

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