Seminar Series: Shreesh Mysore, Ph.D. (Johns Hopkins)
- Kent

Associate Professor (tenured)
Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences
The Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience
Kavli Neuroscience Discovery Institute
Johns Hopkins University
Shreesh P. Mysore has a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (IIT Madras), Master’s degrees in Industrial Engineering and in Mathematics (Penn State), and a PhD in Control and Dynamical Systems (Caltech). He received postdoctoral training in Neurobiology (at Stanford) before moving to Hopkins to start his research group. A common thread through his diverse scientific background is a long-standing research interest in intelligent systems – first in artificial intelligence and robotics (from his undergraduate days through the first half of his PhD), and then in biological intelligence (the rest of his PhD to date). His lab studies neural circuit, computational and coding principles underlying complex behaviors and cognitive functions such as attention, decision-making, sensorimotor processing, and collaboratively, affective function. He is particularly intrigued by a comparative perspective – how do brains of different species solve similar behavioral challenges? In addition to adding to the basic understanding of how brains work, a major goal of his lab’s research is to help develop novel, targeted therapeutics for the atypical operation of attention, decision-making and executive function. A (secret) wish is to port concrete insights from experimental neurobiology to robotics and computer science in order to help build novel classes of artificially intelligent systems. His work is supported by the NIH and the NSF.