Where is my monthly bill?

Departments will not receive a monthly bill for payment under this program.

Right now, the university receive two bills. A lease bill from Wells Fargo (811032300), for all leases. And a usage bill from ComDoc (800196883). Both are coded to expense accounts (74105 & 73013) (and the COPI index) as directed by accounting. Each month, the invoices are reconciled to make sure the index is correct for the respective serial, and in the case of leases, to ensure the lease amount charges are correct. The bills are then approved for payment. Each bill is then reversed by journal voucher and split to its respective index number based upon the serial number by accounting.

The department’s Xerox lease IDC should never change from month-to-month. For usage, ComDoc remotely pulls the usage counts at the end of each month, using a program called FMAudit. When the leases and usage are IDC ‘d to their respective indexes, you should see the invoice number (I…) in the monthly transaction reports to find the backup in Banner under the Vendor History of ComDoc (800196883).

The usage or count documentation backup is included with the ComDoc invoice. It will have the serial and ComDoc ID#, with the meter reads for B&W and Color. Each invoice is posted into Banner within two-three weeks.

Usage from each device can be extracted on each machine or through mycomdoc.com