Three new college and career academies at Akron’s Firestone Community Learning Center will bear the name of Kent State University, as part of a new partnership announced Feb. 21 between the university and Akron Public Schools.
News Briefs

From Long Island to Kent State University and now Ghost Island. That’s the path Kent State University alumnus Jacob Derwin took to become a cast member on the 36th season of the CBS show Survivor.

Watch highlights from the event announcing Kent State and Akron Public Schools' new academic partnership.

It takes the combined efforts of security officers and members of a university community to ensure a safe campus, which is critical to student success.

Surrounded by movie posters, scale models and old filming equipment, Dustin Lee, ’07, and Jon Jivan, ’08, sit in their Kent Campus offices creating video content to promote Kent State University.
HR News
HR Question of the Week: Does Kent State accept donated clothing?
March Madness Lunch and Learn - Creating Healthier Apps and Delicious Snacks
Financial Wellness: Retirement Income Strategies Lunch and Learn
Don't Miss Out on Your "Know Your Numbers" Onsite Health Screening and Wellness Incentive – Deadline is April 30
In This Issue
Employee Anniversaries
Centa, Dianne M. — 45 years
Emling, Lawrence A. — 35 years
Wilson, Rhonda M. — 20 years