Forms & Requests
Every form in one place.
Whether you're a current or former student or a parent or advocate, we provide convenient access to all forms below. Please carefully review the instructions on each form, ensuring that all required documentation is ready for attachment.

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All requests and forms pertaining to billing and payments, scholarships and financial aid, and registration and records can be accessed below. Some forms are completed digitally and some are completed manually. Each form type is identified in the description and you can learn more about how to complete specific types of forms by visiting our form instructions.
- +Disclosure of Directory Information
Disclosure of Directory Information - (FlashLine)
Kent State University may share directory information upon individual request but doesn't provide student lists to non-affiliated agencies for solicitation. Unless you opt out, your name, email, phone, and major will appear in the student online Phone Directory in FlashLine. Directory info includes name, address, class standing, enrollment status, field of study, dates of attendance, participation in activities, and athletic team data.
To restrict directory information, complete the online form in FlashLine under Student/ Resources/ Requests and Authorizations. Keep in mind that opting out will prevent your name from appearing in various university publications, including the Commencement Program and Dean's List.
- Learn more about disclosure of directory information and FERPA.
Complete Form - +Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Release Form
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) Release Form - (FlashLine)
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) is a Federal Law that protects the privacy of students education records, both financial and academic. For the student's protection, FERPA limits release of student record information without the student's explicit written consent; however it also gives the student's parent(s)/guardian(s) the right to review those records if the parent(s)/guardian(s) claim the student as a dependent on their Federal Income Tax Return. Access the Student Record Policy (FERPA) release forms on your Student / Resources / Requests and Authorizations Section in FlashLine.
- Learn more about FERPA.
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