London, United Kingdom
The United Kingdom consists of the countries of England, Scotland, Wales (which together make up Great Britain) and Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland is a separate country and is part of the European Union.
The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy. Each of the countries within the UK has a distinct culture and a fierce sense of national pride. Although the English pound is the most common currency in circulation, banks in Scotland and Northern Ireland also issue currency in the same denominations, which look similar and mainly circulate within their respective countries. English, Scottish and Northern Irish pound notes are equal in value. Keep in mind that if you plan to travel to the Republic of Ireland, the Euro is their official currency.
As the U.K.’s capital, London is where history meets modernity, with traditions from thousands of years ago to dynamic startups and global firms. As far as sights and activities go, you can spend years living there and still never see it all. On your study abroad program to London, try to pack in as much as you can – museums, galleries, theater, iconic landmarks, street markets, pubs, trendy cafes – your only limitation is hours in the day!
Heathrow Airport
Gatwick Airport
Local Transportation
Students can use buses, the London Underground (the Tube) and trains to navigate London.
Study abroad students at UAL will be able to request housing at their The Sketch House residence.
Sketch House is a 5 minute walk from Finsbury Park Underground and National Rail station. The station is on both the Piccadilly and Victoria underground lines and offers links to Moorgate, Kings Cross and Cambridge. Central Saint Martins and Chelsea College of Arts are just a quick tube ride away.
Ensuite rooms and studios are available. Flats are shared between 5-10 students.
Learn more about and take a virtual tour of The Sketch House here.