What can I do if I believe I have experienced sexual misconduct?

Anyone who has experienced unlawful gender-based discrimination is encouraged to seek help immediately, including medical assistance, counseling, law enforcement assistance and the university’s internal complaint filing process (if applicable).

  • Kent State University provides 24-hour assistance to those who have been affected by any form of unlawful gender-based discrimination through the Kent State University Police Department ( Emergency Dial 911 from a campus phone or Non-emergency Dial 330-672-3070). University Police will provide a safe place, arrange medical assistance, and offer information regarding on and off-campus resources.
  • The DeWeese Health Center Nurse Line (330-672-2326) or Townhall II Helpline (24/7 helpline – 330-678-4357) also offers 24-hour assistance and support for survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
  • Talk to a university employee about what happened so you can get the support you need, and so the university can respond appropriately. The Center for Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services can provide support for anyone who has experienced or knows someone who has experienced power-based personal violence. Other campus resources for support include the Women’s Center, the LGBTQ Student Center, the Student Ombuds and the Dean of Students Office. For employees, the Employee Assistance Program can provide support. Additional information on resources that are available on and off-campus can be found on the University’s Title IX web page.
  • File a complaint with the University’s Title IX Coordinator or Deputy Title IX Coordinator, if the accused is affiliated with the university as another student, faculty member or employee. If you speak with a "Responsible Employee" (most Kent State University Faculty and Staff) about what happened, they have a duty to report unlawful gender-based discrimination to the Title IX Coordinator. An individual who is employed at the university in University Medical Services or as a professional licensed counselor and who provides mental health counseling to members of the university community in that role, is not required to report any information about an incident to the Title IX Coordinator without a Complainant's permission. All other university employees are required to report all details to the Title IX Coordinator.