Winter Weather

Winter weather in Ohio is common during the winter months. On average, Ohio gets 28 inches of snow per year.

Winter weather can produce conditions that contribute to a higher risk of hazards, such as snow, ice, high winds, and extreme cold temperatures. Winter weather can become severe and last hours to days.

Follow these tips to help you deal with winter weather. 

Winter Storms Increase the Risk of

  • Car accidents
  • Slips, trips, and falls
  • Hypothermia
  • Frost bite
  • Running low on essentials such as groceries and personal hygiene products
  • Damaging infrastructure such as HVAC, power lines, and communication services

What You Can Do

Prepare before an incident

  • Ensure you are enrolled in Flash ALERTS and your contact info is current
  • Always keep a few days supply of essentials (food, water, medications, etc.)
  • Pay attention to weather alerts

Respond during the incident

  • Stay off the roads if possible
  • Dress warm, and limit your time outdoors
  • Be cautious of slippery surfaces and icy conditions

Recover after the incident

  • Expect updates from KSU
  • Know that it may take some time for the roads, parking lots, and sidewalks to be cleared of snow