Tasnim Naimi Photo

Meet Tasnim Al-Naimi, a Graduate College Fellow and doctoral student in the Translation Studies program. Read on to learn more about Tasnim's favorite places in Kent, what they enjoy doing in free time and what advice they have for incoming graduate students.

Where is your hometown?

I am Palestinian-Jordanian.

Why did you choose Kent State University?

KSU has a reputation for its strong Ph.D. program in Translation Studies and its faculty expertise. I also chose it for its location, scholarships, and vibrant campus life.

What do you like most about living in/near Kent? Do you have a favorite local spot or activity?

I LOVE hiking! Kent is known for its beautiful parks and nearby State Parks. The Portage Hike and Bike Trail is one of my favorites! I also like to hang out with my friends at Last Exit café in downtown!

What is your favorite KSU memory?

My first semester at KSU, when everything was new to me! I miss being in a class and working with my classmates!

What are some differences you've noticed in being a graduate student (expectations, pressures, visibility, etc.) than those of an undergraduate student?

As a graduate student, I am more involved in research projects and academic events which require a higher level of dedication and commitment as compared to undergraduate studies. I am also serving as a teaching assistant, which is providing me with valuable teaching experience and financial support. The workload can sometimes be very intense, and maintaining a balance between academic commitments and personal life can be challenging. However, with good time management and self-care, I try to ensure healthy and fulfilling experiences.

What advice do you have for incoming graduate students?

Embrace this new experience with open arms and live it to the max. There will be times when you will doubt your ability to make your way through an intense workload or uncertainty. Just make a commitment to remain in the present moment and explore what’s out there. Keep learning & growing (mentally, physically, and emotionally). Explore KSU resources (there are plenty!). Connect. Travel.

Fun Fact About Me:

I have an abnormal impulse to travel and explore!

POSTED: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 03:17 PM
Updated: Tuesday, August 29, 2023 11:37 AM