eSignature Templates

Continuing from the eSignature Workflow workshop, this workshop explains the steps to create templates to be utilized to gather information, process required paperwork, and obtain approvals. Visit Training.Kent.Edu to register.

Open Drawing

Join us in-person for Open Drawing sessions! Open Drawing is free and open to the public.

Open Drawing will be held Thursdays beginning 9/5/24 till 12/5/24 from 5:30 - 7:30 pm in The Center for Visual Arts building in room 251.

There will be no open drawing 10/3 during Fall break and 11/28 during Thanksgiving break

OneNote 101

Microsoft OneNote is a note taking app, included with Office 365, (Free for Kent State students, faculty and staff) that allows users to create & store notes, drawings, screen clippings and more. Visit Training.Kent.Edu to register.

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