Imaging and Visualization Center
The Imaging and Visualization facility houses the following equipment:
- Olympus FluoView 3000 confocal microscope with computer-controlled XYZ stage and five diode lasers
- Olympus FluoView 1000 confocal microscope with computer-controlled XYZ stage and six laser lines
- Olympus FluoView 300 confocal microscope with three lasers
- Olympus two-laser TIRF system
- Olympus IX81 inverted microscope with a cooled grayscale CCD camera, EMCCD camera, and an XYZ stage
- Olympus BX53 upright microscope with a color camera
- Two-laser (488 and 633 nm) flow cytometer and sorter (FACSaria, Becton Dickinson)
- Chamber for live cell observation with temperature, humidity, and CO2 control
- Optics for DIC, phase contrast and Hoffman modulation imaging
The facility is open to faculty and students. To request user time at the facility, contact Dr. Michael Model at 330-672-2874 or by email at Trained users can sign up for FluoView 3000 on See file Rules for Microscope Use.
Rules for Microscope use: