Reproductive Physiology and Endocrinology
Faculty and student researches in the reproductive physiology/ endocrinology group conduct projects investigating physiological processes that range from the cellular/molecular level to the integrative/ organismal level. Research interests include topics with clear relevance to human health, such as elucidation of aberrant signaling pathways in polycystic ovarian syndrome, prostate and ovarian cancer, and biochemical regulation of sperm motility and egg activation/ fertilization. Another area of active investigation focuses on the adverse effects of environmental pollutants in a variety of animal models. Basic questions regarding the underlying regulation of gonadal function, such as steroidgenesis, cell proliferation and apoptosis, are also under investigation. Researchers have access to excellent resources for physiological research,including a vivarium, tissue culture facility, confocal microscope/ visualization facility, laser capture microscope, genomics and proteomics facilities located within the department, and the School of Biomedical Sciences.
Graduate Training Opportunities
Graduate students in Reproductive Physiology and Endocrinology are enrolled in the M.S. or Ph.D. program in Biological Sciences (Physiology concentration), or the Neurosciences or Cell and Molecular Biology programs in the School of Biomedical Sciences. Students in these programs also interact with faculty and students at NEOUCOM and the Cleveland Clinic who also participate in these programs.