2009 Publications
- Stanley, D.M., Songar, P., Lowe, C.S., and Bartolo, L.M. (2009). Creating and Sharing Fedora Installation Package for Ubuntu. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Open Repositories.
- Bartolo, L. M., Lowe, C.S., Tandy, R.J., and Songar, P. (2009). Facilitating Wiki/Repository Communication with Metadata. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Open Repositories.
- Bartolo, L.M., Osman, T.M., and Hunt, W.H. (2009). Open Efforts for Computational Materials Research & Education: An NSDL MatDL & TMS Pilot with the Materials Community. Journal of Materials Education, 31 (1-2), 1-8.