GSO Teaching Fellow: Muhammad Hassan Bin Afzal

Muhammad Hassan Bin Afzal HeadshotMeet Muhammad Hassan Bin Afzal, a graduate student orientation (GSO) teaching fellow and doctoral student in the Political Science program. Read on to learn more about his favorite places in Kent, what he enjoys doing in his free time and what advice he has for incoming graduate students.

Where is your hometown?

I am from Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Why did you choose Kent State University?

I chose Kent State because of the impactful opportunities, research funding for graduate students and amazing year-around fun events on campus.

What do you like most about living in/near Kent? Do you have a favorite local spot or activity?

I absolutely love and enjoy our MACC games - they are completely free to students, how amazing! I love our library, the tallest building in Portage county! Oh, and I love Singh Biryani, which is next to my apartment. I can almost smell their biryani every time I walk by their restaurant.

What is your favorite KSU memory?

I went to Imperial College London in Summer 2019 and it was one of the most amazing summer experiences in my life. I received full scholarship from Imperial College London and conference organizers, so it was genuinely awesome and meaningful to me.

What are some differences you've noticed in being a graduate student (expectations, pressures, visibility, etc.) than those of an undergraduate student?

As a graduate student, I think focus and self-discipline are quite important. I am genuinely grateful to have wonderful family support that provide me strength and encouragement along my academic journey.

What advice do you have for incoming graduate students?

I try my best to prioritize my well-being first. Having a healthy and consistent sleep schedule is beneficial to our mind and body. Taking meaningful breaks are quite important. Good-luck everyone, we got this! 

Fun Fact About Me:

I cook amazing vegetable fried rice and fish fry. (Yes! Let's do a graduate students picnic and I will bring vegetable fried rice and fish fry!)

POSTED: Thursday, July 28, 2022 04:01 PM
UPDATED: Saturday, July 27, 2024 01:46 AM