FWA Intended Use

Flexible work arrangements have the potential to improve work/life balance while also increasing productivity and job satisfaction for the employee, in turn creating a win-win for all. Possible benefits include better office coverage, extended service hours, enhancement of staff morale, reduced tardiness and absenteeism, increased productivity, alleviation of traffic concerns for employees, and the employee’s ability to better manage his/her personal and professional responsibilities. 

Kent State University’s employees are a critical part of the university community and contribute significantly to the university’s continued success and core values. That impact is greatly enhanced when staff are supported in personal and professional development activities that enrich their skills, assist in attaining performance and professional goals, and ensure continued success in their role. In addition, Kent State recognizes the role that wellness activities can play in fostering overall health and supporting a culture of well-being. The flexible work arrangement policy recognizes these values and is a significant step in promoting and upholding these values throughout the university community.

For the reasons stated above, flex time is intended to be used for purposes related to improving overall health and well-being and improved work/life balance, such as:

  • Participation in university-sponsored wellness activities/events that extend beyond the one-hour lunch duration (i.e. faculty/staff exercise classes, etc.)
  • Off-site physical activity or physical activity performed on campus
  • Other purposes related to health and wellness 
  • Childcare, eldercare and family matters
  • Professional development
  • Other purposes related to enhancing work/life balance

The extended lunch duration option is specifically designed to allow employees to participate in university-sponsored wellness offerings or take advantage of physical activity during the workday, which is imperative to supporting physical and mental well-being.

Employees should use the Flexible Work Arrangement Request Form to express their interest in a flexible work arrangement. There is space on the request form for the employee to indicate why they would like to utilize flex time. Responses should be in accordance with the intended use guidelines listed above but can be succinct and need not include personal details. Employees and supervisors are encouraged to have open and honest dialogues about work/life balance and how a flexible work arrangement might benefit the employee, both professionally and personally.

PLEASE NOTE: If an employee is participating in a Flexible Work Arrangement, any sick or vacation time taken during such arrangement will be deducted based on the FWA in place at the time used. For example, if employee is on a compressed work schedule working 10 hours each day Monday-Thursday and he/she is out ill on Monday, 10 hours of sick time will be deducted for that workweek.