What will happen when I visit the Faculty Ombuds?

The Ombuds will schedule a visit with you for 1 to 1.5 hours, depending on your needs. The Ombuds will begin by explaining their role and the principles that guide their work, including confidentiality and its limitations. You will have the opportunity to ask any questions about the office before sharing anything with the Ombuds.

The Ombuds will then invite you to explain your situation and the Ombuds will listen carefully and without judgment. The Ombuds may take personal notes as you talk to help them organize their thoughts but will not share those notes with anyone and will destroy them once the visit is over. Next the Ombuds will help you identify the underlying issues and interests and may reframe or help you think about different perspectives on the situation. The ombuds can also give you information about university policies and procedures and may provide referrals to other resources when appropriate.

The Ombuds will help you brainstorm next steps, strategies, and constructive approaches, and may make suggestions about options for you to consider. However, the Ombuds is neutral about what you decide to do, and you will make any decisions about how to proceed. You may want to take time after the visit to think about your options, gather more information, or try out some of your options. You can schedule one or more follow up visits if you wish for further assistance.