Careers in User Experience
The resources linked below offer guidance as well as job postings for qualified individuals seeking a career in user experience (UX).
The School's UX listserv is also a good source of job information. Prospective employers often send us postings to share with our students. If you are not on the listserv but would like to be, email
Regardless of where you are in the program, it's never too early to start planning your next step. Take some time to explore the market. Keep in mind some positions may be posted under related titles of the UX umbrella, including user experience designer, information architect, interaction designer, usability engineer, user interface designer, experience strategist, content strategist and user researcher.
Job Listings
- Interaction Design Association
- UX Jobs Board
- Simply Hired
- User Experience Professional Association
- User Experience Professional Association—Cleveland, Ohio chapter
- @UXJobs on Twitter
- @UXDesignJob on Twitter
Career Resources
- The Information Architecture Institute’s Salary Survey
- ONWARD Search’s “A Guide to UX Careers”
- User Experience Professionals Association UX Resources
- PayScale User Experience Designer profile
- LinkedIn groups related to UX/IA/Usability
Career Services at Kent State University
Career Exploration and Development at Kent State University offers numerous resources on its website, including tips for writing resumes and cover letters, networking, interviewing, conducting your job search and more.
Professional Organizations
Getting involved with a professional association is one of the best ways to enhance what you're learning in your classes — and most of them have special rates for students or recent graduates. They offer specialized training, conferences, networking opportunities, job listings and more. Some of the groups below are national; students are encouraged to seek out the relevant chapters and organizations closest to them. Professional organizations have job boards, although some may be viewable only by members.