40th Anniversary Advertising
Partner with us!
A great way to support Jewish Studies is to buy a space in our 40th Anniversary Celebration Booklet. All proceeds from this booklet will support the Dr. Herbert Hochhauser Endowed Fund for Jewish Studies. Our goal is an endowment of $50,000. This fund will continue in perpetuity, honoring Dr. Hochhauser and benefitting students in Jewish Studies with scholarships, programming, guest speakers and study abroad opportunities.
Level | Cost | Ad Size and Dinner Ticket Quantity |
Pomegranate | $10000 | Back cover plus two tables of 10 |
Wheat | $7500 | Inside front cover plus one table of 10 |
Barley | $5000 | Full page plus one table of 8 |
Grapes | $3500 | Three-quarter page plus 4 tickets |
Figs | $2800 | One-half page plus 2 tickets |
Dates | $2000 | One-quarter page plus 2 tickets |
Olives | $1500 | One-eighth page plus 2 tickets |
* Deuteronomy 8:8 tells us that Israel was "a land of wheat, barley, grapevines, figs, and pomegranates; a land of oil, olives and date honey.”
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