GSO Teaching Fellow: Shatha Alhawamdeh

Shatha Alhawamdeh HeadshotMeet Shatha Alhawamdeh, a graduate student orientation (GSO) teaching fellow and doctoral student in the Translation Studies program. Read on to learn more about her favorite places in Kent, what she enjoys doing in her free time and what advice she has for incoming graduate students.

Where is your hometown?

I am from Tafila, Jordan.

Why did you choose Kent State University?

I chose to study at Kent State University because of its distinguished reputation, qualified faculty members and student diversity.

What do you like most about living in/near Kent? Do you have a favorite local spot or activity?

The thing I like most about living in Kent is its diversity, and my favorite spot is Franklin Mills Riveredge Park.

What is your favorite KSU memory?

My favorite memories include studying at the Ph.D. lab with my colleagues & receiving the honors award for outstanding graduate students of the Modern and Classical Languages.

What are some differences you've noticed in being a graduate student (expectations, pressures, visibility, etc.) than those of an undergraduate student?

Coursework and research demand much more time and focus in graduate school. As a graduate student, I have access to advanced tools and systems that can be used in my research. In addition, I have the opportunity to work closely with professors on research projects. Classes for graduate students are smaller and much more interactive than undergraduate ones. Accordingly, we have to be more visible and independent to our classmates and professors.

What advice do you have for incoming graduate students?

Don't procrastinate on homework. Maintain a regular schedule for studying but don’t forget to set aside time for exercise, sleep, extracurricular activities and socialization. Make friends with your colleagues and other students because friendship is an important factor to enjoy your life as a graduate student. Networking plays a big role in helping you attain your goals, and always try to take advantage of the opportunities and resources provided by Kent State. I believe that grad school is not the end of the road, but rather the beginning of our prosperous journeys.

For international students, don’t panic! You may feel overwhelmed since studying abroad in a different culture or a foreign language can be difficult, but bear in mind that you are not alone. University staff, especially your department staff, are always there to assist and support you. Don’t feel shy and always ask questions.

Fun Facts About Me:

I enjoy drawing, hiking, making desserts, and reading.


POSTED: Friday, July 29, 2022 11:10 AM
UPDATED: Sunday, May 05, 2024 06:44 AM