NUMBERs Conference

Thank you to everyone who attended!

Here are the videos from the NUMBERs Workshop:

Dr. Martha Alibali

Dr. Nora Newcombe

Dr. Nancy C. Jordan

Dr. Robert Ochsendorf and Dr. Eric Knuth
NSF Funding Slideshow

Dr. Susan Levine

Dr. Percival Matthews and Dr. Pooja Sidney

NUMBERs playlist in chronological order:

NUMBERs Workshop Graphical Abstract

May 24, 2022

Kickoff will begin at 6pm on Tuesday, May 24th at the Kent State University Hotel and Conference Center Pizzuti Grand Ballroom in our beautiful downtown Kent.

The Town Of Kent, Ohio

Flashes Care

The current campus requirements and guidelines:

Information from the Ohio Department of Health:

Important Links

Tentative Schedule for Workshop

Paired Research Labs and Meeting Locations

Paired Research Labs Project Ideas

Professional Development Mentoring Pairs and Meeting Locations

Participant Payment Information

Interactive Campus Map: Wednesday’s Events Will Be Held in Kent Hall

Hotel Information


Kent Hall and Kent Hall Addition Maps

Places to Eat and Sights to See