Division of University Communications and Marketing

Hi, Drupalites!If you’re like us, this semester has been a blur! We’ve made it past the D10 upgrade, wrapped up the academic program page integration with the catalog, are now able to share next steps about GA4, and are close to launching several new, valuable websites. These launches will very likely require you to make web copy and link updates.Does your website link to:One Stop?Financial Aid?Registrar?Bursar?Global Education and/or Education Abroad and its programs?Then flag your calendars for the weeks of June 3-21 to make updates.See below. Who Will Create KSU’s Millionth Drupal NID?...

student winners holding giant checks

KENT, Ohio - The John S. and Marlene J. Brinzo Center for Entrepreneurship hosted its annual Spring Pitch Competition in April, during which seven student businesses competed “Shark-Tank” style in front of a panel of executive judges for $20,000 in cash prizes.The competition is aimed to help students grow and nurture their startups within the Ambassador Crawford College of Business and Entrepreneurship.The following students won the competition:Audrey Ernst and Vaunden Brunn took first place with their business, Rolling Refreshments, LLC.Rolling Refreshments is a gourmet, mobile beverage...

Tab in Accordion Inline CSS for Views

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Final Exams

Final Exam Conflicts

Final examinations or class meetings during final examination week must be held at the time and place listed for each course in the Final Examination Schedule. All classes are expected to have some instructional or evaluative activity during the final examination time. If an examination is given, with the department chairperson or school director and dean's permission, at some time other than scheduled, then it must still be available to one or more students at the officially scheduled time.

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