Faculty Service-Learning Award

Purpose: This award recognizes faculty members who are exemplars at creating high-impact community engagement experiences, such as experiential learning and service-oriented courses, community-based research opportunities, and other similar academic offerings.

Eligibility: Kent State faculty, either adjunct or full-time, in any academic discipline who have taught two or more community-based service-learning or research courses in the last 3 academic years.

Selection Criteria:

Faculty members nominated for this award should have demonstrated excellence in community-based learning methods and demonstrated best practices in:

  • Enhancing student academic and civic learning through community engagement;
  • Developing reciprocal and mutually beneficial community partnerships; and
  • Supporting students critical reflective activities that are supported by learning theory (i.e. Kolb’s Learning Model, Gibbs Reflective Cycle, etc.)

Submit a nomination for the Faculty Service-Learning Award!