Faculty Investigators

The ACCEPT Program is coordinated by five faculty investigators:

Dr. Cynthia Osborn

Dr. Cynthia Osborn, Principal Investigator (PI) and Project Director
Professor, Counselor Education and Supervision

Pic of Joel Hughes, PhD

Dr. Joel Hughes, Co-PI
Professor, Psychological Sciences

Cassie Storlie Headshot

Dr. Cassie Storlie, Co-Investigator
Associate Professor, Counselor Education and Supervision

Dr. Kelly Cichy Headshot

Dr. Kelly Cichy, Co-Investigator
Professor, Human Development and Family Studies

William V. Lechner

Dr. William (Bill) Lechner, Co-Investigator - 
Associate Professor, Psychological Sciences
Drugs and Behavior: How Societal Trends Impact Addiction

The ACCEPT Program has two graduate Research Assistants (RAs) for 2023-24: Sam Windler, a student in the master’s degree program in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (CMHC), and Colleen Trhlik, a second-year student in the PhD degree program in Counselor Education and Supervision (CES).

Sam Windler earned his bachelor’s degree in psychology from Kent State University. He is currently in his second year in the CMHC master’s degree program at KSU, and is also enrolled in the graduate Addictions Counseling Certificate Program (ACCP). 

Sam Windler








Sam Windler (he/him)
Research Assistant - ACCEPT 
Master's Student, Clinical Mental Health Counseling
Graduate Addictions Counseling Certificate Program
Kent State University

Colleen Trhlik received her bachelor's degree in psychology and a master's degree in clinical mental health counseling, both from Kent State. She is a licensed independent chemical dependency counselor (LICDC) and a licensed professional clinical counselor with supervisory endorsement (LPCC-S). She worked as a dual diagnosis intensive outpatient counselor for 8 years in hospital and corrections environments, and is currently a full-time student in Kent State's counselor education and supervision doctoral program. She enjoys teaching and mentoring counselors-in-training. In her spare time, she likes spending time with family, playing video games, learning about the lives of people from other cultures, and going for walks.

Colleen Trhlik









Colleen Trhlik