The Great Place Initiative holds Public Forum in March 2019
On March 2019, the Great Place Initiative held a Public Forum to inform the Kent State community about progress, current work of the Subcommittees, horizontal and vertical efforts, etc. Each Subcommittee had the opportunity to present on their own accomplishments and projects currently underway. For more information, please refer to the presentation from the forum.
An All-Great Place Initiative Member Meeting Provides Opportunity to Reflect and Look Ahead
Last Friday, January 25, 2019, the full Great Place Initiative membership gathered at the Oscar Ritchie Hall to reflect on all that has been accomplished, welcome new members, and provide an opportunity to collaboratively focus on the work ahead. In attendance were students, faculty and staff who currently serve in one or more of the Great Place initiative Subcommittees:
- Students Subcommittee
- Faculty Subcommittee
- Staff Subcommittee
- Regional Campuses Subcommittee
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Race
- Ad-Hoc Committee on Disability
Below, there is a copy of the event's Agenda and PPT presentation compiling every Subcommittee's Report. Here is a link to some pictures and key moments captured on video.
Student Subcommittee Completes Kaizen
Last October 24th through the 26th, 2018 the Student Subcommittee, chaired by Dr. Eboni Pringle, Dean of University College, and Dr. Lamar Hylton, Interim Vice President for Student Affairs, gathered for 3 full days of professional development, growth and process improvement as they engaged in a Kaizen event designed to improve processes associated with one of the main goals of the Subcommittee: Improving the Sense of Belonging for Underrepresented Students.
Here is a summary of their accomplishments** during the session.
**Please reach out to the Great Place Initiative to request an accessible copy of this document.
Great Place Core Values, Multilingual Edition added to the site
Users can now read the Great Place Initiative's Core values in English, Spanish, Brazilian Portuguese, French, Arabic, Simplified Chinese and they can also be accessed in American Sign Language.
Ad-Hoc Subcommittees on Race and Disability are formed. Chairs agree to serve
June 2018
- The Ad-Hoc Committee on Race has been formed and is chaired by Dr. Amoaba Gooden and Ms. Sonya Williams
- The Ad-Hoc Committee on Disability has been formed and is chaired by Dr. Kelly Cichy and Ms. Amanda Weyant
First Great Place Initiative Open Forum
The first Great Place Initiative Open Forum took place on April 30 at noon in the Ballroom Balcony of the Kent Campus.
The following was shared:
Two Ad-Hoc Subcommittees have been formed to address specific areas that intersect with all other GPI Subcommittees:
- Subcommittee on Different Abilities
- Subcommittee on Race
Resource Mapping and Interactive Tool
- Based on community feedback, an inventory of current resources to address campus-climate related issues was completed by an ad hoc group of GPI members
- Identified resources and details regarding their availability, as well as ways to access these resources were compiled
- Compiled resources are being mapped into a centralized, interactive tool, that can be accessed anonymously
- Initial priority is being given to resources for students
GPI Gets Ready to Receive Community Feedback
- A feedback gathering mechanism is embedded in the GPI website to prepare to "listen" to the voices of the community. Feedback can be offered anonymously or a response may be requested by providing contact information.
Student Subcommittee Establishes a Climate Advisory Network
The Student Subcommittee, established the Climate Advisory Network as a mechanism of response to campus climate incidents. The Climate Advisory Network (CAN), operates in a tiered-level approach which includes a small group of individuals who can immediately respond to an instance of a campus climate issue, and a larger group who is focusing on a more cross-sectional approach, which includes proactive strategies. For example, the analysis of specific "case studies" to inform and enhance improvement interventions, such as the revision of policies, realignment of processes, etc.
GPI Leaders, Chairs and Members Build Synergy at Stark Campus Retreat
In March 2018, GPI Leaders, Chairs and Subcommittee Members came together at Stark Campus for a day of professional development and synergy. In the morning, Subcommittee Chairs learned about principles of Project Management. In the afternoon, Dana Lawless-Andric and Mandy Munro-Stasiuk provided a GPI Status Report presentation to make sure their understanding aligned with the perspective of everyone working on the subcommittees. Then, each Subcommittee Chair provided a status report focusing on "early wins".
There followed a cross-pollination activity during which everyone had an opportunity to provide feedback for each subcommittee.
Qualitative Data Analysis Research Team led by Dr. Suzy D'Enbeau and Dr. Cristin Compton sheds light into the work of Subcommittees
The Research Team
- Dr. Suzy D’Enbeau, Associate Professor, School of Communication Studies
- Dr. Cristin Compton, Assistant Professor, School of Communication Studies
- Elaina Eakle, Graduate Assistant, School of Communication Studies (funded through Comm Studies)
- Spiros Tempelis, Graduate Assistant, School of Communication Studies (funded through DEI)
The Research Team has been analyzing data and drafting thematic reports that directly inform the work of each Subcommittee
Climate Engagement Sessions begin to Permeate the Culture and Give Shape to A Distinctive Kent State
- Several Climate Engagement Sessions have been carried out, including:
- Academic Affairs Retreat
- University College leadership
- Kent State Geauga, Burton faculty and staff; Twinsburg staff
- Kent State Salem Nursing faculty (scheduled)
- Several Climate Engagement Sessions have been carried out, including:
Informing the GPI's Work to Ensure it Remains Grounded in Scholarship and Expertise
- Several mechanisms have been engaged to inform GPI's work and ensure it remains grounded in scholarship and expertise. Examples of these initiatives include:
- Co-chairs and two members attended the AAC&U Institute on Equity & High Impact Practices
- Webinars and in-person session with Kathy Obear
- Session with Timothy Eatman
- Readings on institutional climate and culture change
- Members have attended change management and project management trainings
- Several mechanisms have been engaged to inform GPI's work and ensure it remains grounded in scholarship and expertise. Examples of these initiatives include:
Project Management Principles Provide a Framework for Success
- Project Management of the GPI work has been prioritized to ensure consistency across efforts, progress tracking, metrics clarification and adequate documentation.
Over 80 Members from the Entire University System Lend their Voice and Diverse Perspectives to the GPI's Efforts
- Informed by data from the University Climate Study, COACHE and Great Colleges to Work For, nearly 90 members representing the entire university membership have been actively engaged, lending their voice and diverse perspectives to the work of the Great Place Initiative, organized into four Subcommittees:
- Kent State Regional Campus (an umbrella group)
- Kent State Students
- Kent State Faculty
- Kent State Staff
- Informed by data from the University Climate Study, COACHE and Great Colleges to Work For, nearly 90 members representing the entire university membership have been actively engaged, lending their voice and diverse perspectives to the work of the Great Place Initiative, organized into four Subcommittees:
College and Division Reports guide next steps
- From the University Climate Study results, Kathryn Wilson prepared individualized college and division reports. Dana Lawless-Andric and Mandy Munro-Stasiuk then met with leadership of 85% of all colleges and divisions to:
- Discuss their reports and expectations
- Identify opportunities
- Identify things that each area has done well and maximize its potential by sharing it as a "best practice".
- Each area has been asked to share at an ALG meeting in the spring or early summer and--hopefully--a cabinet meeting during the same time.
- This work is expected to complement the work done by the GPI.
- From the University Climate Study results, Kathryn Wilson prepared individualized college and division reports. Dana Lawless-Andric and Mandy Munro-Stasiuk then met with leadership of 85% of all colleges and divisions to: